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ScienceDaily (July 30, 2012) ? A team of researchers from the University of Bristol, Natural History Museum of London, the University of Missouri and Ohio University has discovered the eating habits of Diplodocus using a three-dimensional model of the dinosaur?s skull. The eating habits of the herbivore have been uncertain since its discovery more than 130 years ago. Understanding these behaviors could help scientists better understand extinct and modern ecosystems and what it takes to feed these giant herbivores, as well as today?s living animals.
Diplodocus was a giant, herbivorous sauropod dinosaur from the Jurassic period, which was around 150 million years ago. The dinosaur, which was more than 170 feet long and weighed more than 12 tons, was the longest animal ever to walk the planet. Its neck was about 20 feet in length.
?Since Diplodocus was such a huge animal, its eating habits and behavior have always been a question in the paleontology community,? said Casey Holliday, an assistant professor of pathology and anatomical sciences at MU. ?With the 3D model of the skull, we were able to simulate three eating scenarios using a computer-based analysis to determine the stresses that the skull would experience in each situation.?
Using data from a CT scan, the team of researchers designed a three-dimensional model of the 2.5-foot-long Diplodocus? skull and tested it using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA, which is commonly used to aid in mechanical engineering and design, revealed the stresses on the dinosaur skull from three different eating behaviors: a normal bite, ?branch stripping? and ?bark stripping.?
?Originally, some scientists in the early 1900s thought that Diplodocus would strip bark off of trees using its jaws to close down on the bark,? Holliday said. ?However, we found that this process places a lot of stress and strain on the dinosaur?s teeth and skull, which could result in bone damage or breaking of teeth. The model and the scans showed that branch stripping, which is when the dinosaur would place its mouth on a branch and pull all the leaves off the branch, placed little to or no stress on the teeth and skull.?
While the feeding habits of the Diplodocus have largely been resolved, the behaviors of other extinct animals also could be tested using FEA.
?Sauropod dinosaurs, like Diplodocus, were so weird and different from living animals that there is no animal we can compare them with,? said Mark Young, a doctoral student at the University of Bristol and lead author on the research. ?This makes understanding their feeding ecology very difficult. That?s why biomechanically modeling is so important to our understanding of long-extinct animals.?
Holliday thinks that findings from the Diplodocus feeding habits can help determine the ways extinct animals live, but he also said that understanding large, extinct animals will continue to help scientists? understanding of large animals today.
?Sauropods tell us about the evolution of gigantism, or giant body size, because they enable us to understand how much range or space giant animals really need to get around, and how much food they need to survive,? Holliday said. ?The findings on sauropods also help us understand today?s giant herbivores, such as elephants and giraffes, and how they interact with their environments.?
The study?s authors included Paul Barrett, merit researcher at The Natural History Museum in London; Emily Rayfield, senior lecturer at University of Bristol; and Lawrence Witmer, professor of anatomy at Ohio University. The study was published in Naturwissenschaften, a natural sciences journal.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Missouri-Columbia. The original article was written by Jerett Rion.
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Why public markets are wrong: In a post-2008 world, the day a company goes public, all of the existing investors are employees and venture capitalists who own the stock from much lower prices. They are only going to be sellers, not buyers. They are fairly valuation-insensitive and have restrictions on when they're allowed to transact. I got caught in one of these with Zillow (Z) back in November, as insiders were given their first chance to sell and the stock fell 25% in a handful of days. All of the likely buyers are hedge funds and day traders, for whom a company is only as good as its chart or its last quarterly earnings report, and mutual funds, who in a world of relentless equity outflows have to sell something else to buy a new stock, and thus are unlikely to be big buyers of new issues, especially ones with short-term hiccups.
Companies that do everything right, as Zillow and LinkedIn (LNKD) have in their brief stints as public companies, can go up. All others are just a misstep away from a 40% decline, regardless of whether it makes fundamental sense.
Why private markets are wrong: In pre-IPO companies, only the company call sell shares in order to raise capital to fund growth. And the only buyers are well-funded venture capital firms that think about the long-term potential of a firm. Short-term progress is taken into account but it's not the be-all and end-all. And all it takes is one high bidder to set the price. In a world with a lot of tech innovation taking place, unattractive yields in other asset classes, and potential cash-rich acquirers looking for growth, it means private markets will be more kind to companies than public markets.
But here's the thing. Imagine you're looking to start a new NBA team where you can purchase the rights to both existing NBA players or amateur players. And imagine four NBA teams have declared bankruptcy and are looking to sell their players for whatever prices they can get. Why overpay for a high school sophomore when you can potentially get an NBA all-star at a discount?
The State of Social Investing in July, 2012
Markets have priced in three trends so far this year.
Positions in LNKD, Z, ZNGA
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(CNN)?? Is Lady Gaga an artist?
Sure, she can play piano. She?s got some songwriting talent, too. But music isn?t what comes to mind when the former Stefani Germanotta is discussed. Instead, it?s the attention-getting antics: The controversial videos. The in-your-face sexuality. The crazy concerts. The meat dress.
Is it about the music, or the Fame Monster?
Rachel Weingarten wonders.
?I don?t consider Gaga an artist,? the?New York style consultant?says, then reconsiders. ?Well, maybe she?s an artist for our time. Every generation gets the artist it deserves.?
If that?s the case, Gaga has a lot of company.
Before she was Gaga: The unseen photos
?They want to be famous, not make music,? says Lyndsey Parker, managing editor of Yahoo! Music, of some of the new breed. ?The music is just one facet of the celebrity.?
It?s an indicator of societal shifts, she says. Now you can upload a video and receive immediate fame. So much for learning three chords and working your way up the ladder.
?Now everyone expects overnight success, whether it?s because someone discovered your video on YouTube, or you went on a reality show,? she says.
Has the gimmickry gone too far? Have we become numb to the emotion and the power of music? The stuff used to be about something, dammit, not a soundalike drone of manufactured robots, lip-synching amid falling tinsel.
Art and authenticity
Well, they call it ?show business? for a reason.
Previous generations made less of a distinction between art and entertainment, observes Georgia Tech professor Philip Auslander.
?In the ?40s, and I believe well into the ?50s and the rock ?n? roll era, the idea of what it was to be a musician wasn?t as pure and pristine as we seem to want to think of it now,? says Auslander, who?s written a study of glam rock. ?The idea that to be a popular musician is not just to stand up there and show off your ability as a musician, but to entertain in other senses ? that was very much a staple of what popular music performance was about.?
Even the Beatles, who became much more decorous performers after Beatlemania hit, dominated the local scene during their Hamburg residency by turning up the volume, smashing stages and ? in a famous incident ? doing a show with?John Lennon in his underwear, wearing a toilet seat around his neck.
Of course, pop musicians have long been as much about entertainment as art ? but as times have changed, so have perceptions of where the line is drawn. To critics, MTV ? which arrived in the 1980s ? heightened?the value of looks and slickness over ?authenticity,??with the?image becoming more important?than the music. And nowadays, in our 24/7 world of rapidly posted YouTube videos, instant MP3 releases, reality shows, lurking paparazzi and meat dress one-upmanship, it?s easier than ever for spectacle to overwhelm singing.
Lady Gaga?s wardrobe ? such as the meat dress ? has sometimes overwhelmed her music.
It can be a false divide ? a glitzy video or elaborate stage show doesn?t mean the performer can?t play ? but it?s one that?s come to define some of the differences between rock and pop, says Auslander.
?I think a lot of this stuff is specific to particular genres and subgenres of music, and the old distinction between rock and pop, where the people on the pop side are not expected to be authentic in the same way as the people on the rock side,? he says.
It?s what?s led to the so-called??rockist? point of view, he adds: that rock, which was album-oriented and ranged from earnest singer-songwriters to classically inspired progressive bands, was somehow superior to pop, which was found on singles and included bubblegum, disco, easy-listening and anything else likely to make the Top 40. Nowadays the genres are more blurred, but the prejudices remain: Rock is Serious and therefore Art; pop is unserious and therefore ephemeral.
It?s a distinction that?s long been disdained by performers themselves. As the old dictum, variously attributed to Louis Armstrong or Duke Ellington, states: ?There are only two kinds of music: good and bad.?
?I love a show. I want to be entertained,? says Matchbox Twenty?s guitarist, Paul Doucette, who praises the energy Lady Gaga brings to her concerts (and observes that ?she can back it up? with her talent). ?Don?t get up there and look like you?re not having a good time. I?ve seen enough of the shoegazing in my life. I want fun back in rock.?
A new road to fame
The same goes for Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne, whose band has been known to put on a show themselves ? complete with avant-garde, big-screen visuals, falling balloons and a giant ?space bubble,? a transparent ball containing Coyne from which he walks over the crowd.
?That?s part of the fun of being in a rock band,? he says. ?If you?re lucky, you get to create an image.?
And as for the image overwhelming the rest of it, he points out that, if he?s done his job right, every element works together so that the band and audience are satisfied. When this interview was conducted, the Lips were about to attempt to break the Guinness world record for most live concerts in 24 hours ? an arrangement that, despite the stunt aspects, the Lips were taking as seriously as any individual show.
?People are going to pay real money, people are going to give us a lot of their time, so we don?t want it to be just hype ? it?s really got to be great,? he says. (For the record, the band?got its record.)
Coyne has an open-minded view about what characterizes ?art.?
On the Lips? latest CD, ?The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends,? the guests include such indie favorites as Nick Cave and Bon Iver, as well as Ke$ha, the ?Tik Tok? pop rapper disdained by the music press (?a faceless, anonymous pre-fabrication of a pop star,??wrote Slant?s Jonathan Keefe).
The Flaming Lips? Wayne Coyne surfs a concert crowd in his space bubble.
?I think the world can have all kinds of things in it, and just because someone is popular doesn?t mean they?re more important in people?s minds,? Coyne says. ?(The audience) should pick what they think is speaking to them the most. If that?s a Lady Gaga, great for you. If that?s an obscure little artist that you know in your hometown, use that.
?But,? he adds, ?it?s very difficult to resist the temptation of popularity. Everybody likes it. These are all dynamics everybody struggles with. What art does, it lets you be free. There should be no judgment about you in that.? He audibly shrugs. ?But this is not the way people use music in the world.?
It?s those divides ? between popular and niche, between wealthy celebrity and starving obscurity ? that keep injecting themselves into debates about music. Moreover, now that the music business has been turned upside-down by technology, musicians must find their own path to exposure (which, presumably, is still the point).
?The whole idea of a top-down market is gone,? says David Herlihy, a music and law professor at Boston?s Northeastern University.
When his own band was on the circuit in the 1980s, there was a ?road map,? he says, one that had existed for a generation.
?You needed the record label. You needed to go to the recording studio. You needed to get on the radio. You needed to be in record stores. You needed all these intermediaries. Everybody I ever became aware of followed that map,? he says. ?And now technology has completely disintermediated the business, and so now you have music and art, and people who consume those things directly. Therefore, it can go anywhere.?
The starving artist?s dilemma
It?s tremendously freeing for an artist, and also a little scary.
Do you market directly to fans, the way someone such as?Josh Rouse?does? Do you make arrangements to license your work,?the way Moby did? Do you make yourself into a brand, a la Madonna ? who?s veered so far into pure celebrity, Yahoo?s Parker says, that she and her colleagues couldn?t figure out whether to classify a Madonna story as ?music? or ?celebrity news?? Do you work with advertisers, extending your identity to other products and essentially using music as a platform to other things?
It?s not necessarily a new idea ? the Beatles, after all,?once had a clothing store?? ?a beautiful place where beautiful people can buy beautiful things,? Paul McCartney said at the time ? but the concept has reached new heights in our free-for-all age.
Paul Greco, the director of music for advertising giant JWT, is responsible for putting musicians and their songs together with advertisers. It?s a beneficial relationship, he says: the artist gets exposure and financial support, and the product gets linked up with the artist ? and the artist?s fan base. Some products can be golden for musicians: Greco mentions the ?Apple effect,? in which?the computer manufacturer made stars?of Feist (?1234?) and the Ting Tings (?Shut Up and Let Me Go?) through the use of their songs.
Spreading the word in creative ways is a necessity these days, adds Renaud Skalli, who heads up artist and label relations for the year-old marketing firm My Love Affair.
?The reason we started the firm is because the music industry was in a bad state,? he says. ?The artists needed someone on their side.?
Though musicians appreciate the exposure, the prospect of tying their fortunes to a multinational conglomerate still makes some of them nervous. It calls to mind that old hippie-punk jeer: Sell-out.
Ben Deily, a former member of the Boston post-punk band the Lemonheads, remembers when another Boston band, the Del Fuegos,?made a beer commercial. He and his bandmates were appalled, he says.
?You knew there was selling out, and then there was punk rock,? he says. (Deily now works in the advertising business.)
?Sell-out? doesn?t come up much anymore, says Greco. ?Musicians are artists. But they don?t need to be starving artists,? he says. ?You have to make a living.?
Band management
Matchbox Twenty?s Doucette has seen all sides of the equation. His band has played bars and stadiums, has been groomed by a record label and succeeded in the post-label era. Lead singer Rob Thomas has been a paparazzi magnet.
Doucette says that commercialization comes with the territory.
?A band is a brand. It sells music, it sells image, a lot of things. This is our product, this is what we do. The fact it has artistic integrity is what separates it,? he says. ?The difference is where the emphasis is.?
For Doucette, the problem arises when music isn?t the point.
?It does seem like there?s a little bit of, I want to become famous, then have a perfume line, make a record, be on a reality show. It?s more about being famous than it is about wanting to do music because that?s what you do, and then?that?opening you up to other possibilities. It depends on what your intention is.?
But, he acknowledges, these are strange times for music.
?We?re still in the Wild West of all this,? he says. ?People are still trying to figure out, how do people experience music now? There are so many different ways to do it, and how do you make that work? All these things fall into that ? the branding, the image, the importance of radio ? they?re all connected.?
In the meantime, when it comes to public tastes and media coverage, the pendulum swings forward and the pendulum swings back.
Perhaps the most successful musician of the past year is the pianistAdele, whose performing and songwriting are equally personal and unadorned ? a throwback to the early ?70s singer-songwriters, or perhaps Norah Jones and Alicia Keys. Sure, there?s been some celebrity chatter surrounding her ? she?s famously had to deal withweight issues?? but, in general, her authenticity (a word used advisedly) has worked to her advantage.
?There?s still a market for that,? says Yahoo?s Parker. ?People say rock is dead, but things always are cyclical. I do feel it will take another Nirvana, another watershed rock band, and then all these technopop artists will get scared.?
Besides, adds Doucette, if the music lasts, so will the artist who makes it.
?Eventually Lady Gaga?s not going to be able to wear the meat dress,? he says. ?But she?s not going to have a problem, because she?s been, like, I can do this. And when (she) gives you a regular song, that?s going to be as shocking as the meat dress, with her sitting there at the piano with no crazy hat on.?
By?Todd Leopold
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(Reuters) - The uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has changed the course of U.S. policy from one of engagement when President Barack Obama first took office to a call for Assad to step down to increased support for Syrian rebels.
Here are some of the significant moments.
March 7, 2009 - The United States and Syria found "common ground" when U.S. officials Jeffrey Feltman and Dan Shapiro met with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem in the first high-level trip by American officials to Damascus since 2005.
February 16, 2010 - Obama nominated Robert Ford to be the U.S. ambassador to Syria, the first since Washington withdrew its ambassador in 2005 after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri in Beirut.
February 17, 2010 - Assad held security talks in Damascus with U.S. Under Secretary of State William Burns, after which the U.S. official said he was "hopeful" of progress.
April 8, 2011 - In a statement on the uprising, which began on March 15, Obama called on Assad to halt the "abhorrent violence committed against peaceful protesters."
April 22, 2011 - Obama condemned use of force against demonstrators and called on Assad to "change course now."
April 29, 2011 - United States slaps sanctions on Syria's intelligence agency and two relatives of Assad, in Washington's first concrete steps in response to the crackdown on protests.
July 12, 2011 - Obama sharpened rhetoric against Assad, saying the Syrian president had "lost legitimacy" for failing to lead a democratic transition.
August 11, 2011 - Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in a phone call spoke about the violence in Syria and the need for a transition to democracy, the White House said.
August 18, 2011 - For the first time, Obama called for Assad to step down, saying: "For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside." Britain, France and Germany also called for Assad to step aside.
October 24, 2011 - The United States pulled its ambassador, Robert Ford, out of Syria over threats to his safety.
May 18, 2012 - Group of Eight leaders at Camp David discussed the need for political transition in Syria.
June 18, 2012 - Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Mexico agreed violence in Syria must end but showed no signs of reaching a deal on tougher sanctions against Damascus.
June 22, 2012 - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta defended the administration's decision to not arm the Syrian rebels, which has been criticized by some Republicans in Congress.
July 18, 2012 - Obama called Putin to discuss the deteriorating situation in Syria after a bombing in Damascus killed members of Assad's inner circle, but the two leaders ended the call divided over the best way forward.
July 19, 2012 - U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice called the Russian and Chinese vetoes of a U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria "dangerous and deplorable."
July 23, 2012 - Obama says Assad will be held accountable if he makes the "tragic mistake" of using Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons.
(Reporting by Lauren French; Editing by Stacey Joyce)
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Sachin Tendulkar urges team to win abroad ? Cricket News Update
Batting maestro, Sachin Tendulkar, has urged his team to win away matches in order to stamp their dominance in the world of cricket.
In an interview to a news channel, India?s ace batsman said, ?I feel that it does not come as an excuse for us to go somewhere and not play well. We need to go abroad and win. It's as simple as that. We have done it before (winning abroad). Both England and Australia tours were tough for us. We should make every possible effort to perfect our preparation and produce better results."
?We need to look at one factor. When we played against Australia, they were the home team. England also played at home. There is no point in saying that India only plays well at home. Why do we always look at one side of the coin, it should be always fair," added the phenomenal batting great.
After the hard tours of England and Australia, where India not only lost their number-one status in Test cricket to the Poms but their pride as well, the team faced intense criticism from all quarters, many demanding the resignation of senior players in order to induct new blood in the national team.
However, Tendulkar in his interview insisted that it was wrong to think that the players did not give their all in the tours of England and Australia.
According to him, the squad always wants to win every time they walk into the ground, but humanly it is not possible and sometimes even with all the preparations luck stands in the way of victories.
Historically India have been a force to reckon with at home, but their record abroad has not been illustrious, however, efforts are underway to improve the performance of the team, making it possible for India to win games against the mightiest of teams away from home.
India are looking to secure their second ICC World T20 title this year in September-October?in Sri Lanka, where they have an impressive record due to similarities in the Indian and Sri Lankan playing conditions. ????
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Oil prices rose Wednesday as a string of woeful economic news lifted hopes that the U.S. and other governments will move to stimulate growth.
On the New York Mercantile Exchange:
Benchmark crude rose 47 cents to finish at $88.97 per barrel.
Gasoline fell 3.19 cents to end at $2.7929 a gallon.
Heating oil rose 1.96 cents to finish at $2.8440 a gallon.
Natural gas fell 11.7 cents to end at $3.0700 per 1,000 cubic feet.
On the ICE Futures exchange in London:
Brent crude fell 96 cents to finish the day at $104.38 per barrel.
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BRUSSELS (AP) ? The European Union proposed Wednesday to make manipulating key global interest rates a criminal offence.
European Commission vice president Viviane Reding said public confidence in the financial sector had nose-dived after the latest revelations about manipulations by banks of key lending rates, such as the London interbank offered rate, or LIBOR.
The London rate and the related European interbank offered rate (EURIBOR) are benchmarks for over $500 trillion in global contracts, including loans and mortgages. Benchmarks also serve as the basis for many commodity contracts.
Reding said EU action "was needed to put an end to criminal activity in the banking sector and criminal law can serve as a strong deterrent."
The EU did not propose what specific sanctions rate-rigging would take, saying that would be up to member states. But it said it would require the bloc's 27 nations to criminalize inciting, aiding and abetting the manipulation of the rate benchmarks, as well as attempts at manipulation.
Britain's Barclays bank admitted last month that it had submitted false information to keep the rate low. The bank agreed to pay a $453 million fine.
A number of major banks, including Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, are also being investigated.
The EU has expressed serious concerns about the impact of false submissions of the interbank lending rates, equating it with insider-dealing and market manipulation.
The commission also said it would examine how to ensure the integrity and transparency of the process used to set the interest rate benchmarks and how to provide adequate oversight.
Michel Barnier, the European commissioner responsible for the internal market, said the EU's executive commission wanted to make sure that "outrages" such as the abuse of the LIBOR system are prevented.
"That is why I have discussed this with the European Parliament and acted quickly to amend our proposals, to ensure that manipulation of benchmarks is clearly illegal and is subject to criminal sanctions in all countries," he said.
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Cousin TJ Jackson is appointed temporary guardian of Michael's kids.
By Gil Kaufman
Paris Jackson
Photo: Jason LaVeris/Getty Images
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NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks fell for a second straight session on Monday, as Spain appeared closer to needing a national bailout and poor corporate results weighed on the market.
Weak results from McDonald's Corp added to the cautious tone on Wall Street. Materials stocks were among the day's weakest, hurt by across-the-board declines in commodities prices.
Still, stocks ended well off the day's lows, rebounding from their initial plunge. Stocks appeared to stabilize as the S&P 500 approached its 50-day moving average of 1,332.98, a technical support level that could trigger more losses if convincingly broken.
Overall, three stocks fell for every one that rose on the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, a signal that the afternoon rebound was concentrated among larger-cap shares. On the Nasdaq, about four stocks fell for every one that rose.
"The sell-off this morning was overdone, and obviously, the market felt that way too," said Eric Green, senior portfolio manager and director of research at Penn Capital Management in Philadelphia, which oversees $6.5 billion.
"Nothing incrementally negative came out, but obviously, we're still worried about the situation there."
The Spanish region of Murcia looked set to follow Valencia in tapping a government program to keep its finances afloat. Local media reported half a dozen regions were ready to follow suit.
Valencia's move contributed to a 1 percent drop in the S&P 500 on Friday. The benchmark index had appeared on track to exceed those losses on Monday, falling as much as 1.8 percent before recovering some of those losses.
The International Monetary Fund dismissed a weekend news report in German weekly Der Spiegel that it may refuse to continue supporting Greece as it prepares for talks with the new Greek government on its international bailout.
McDonald's Corp was the latest earnings casualty among large multinational companies after posting a lower-than-expected profit, citing a slower global economy and a stronger dollar. McDonald's stock slid 2.9 percent to $88.94 as the biggest drag on the Dow. Shares of Wendy's Co fell 2.4 percent to $4.51.
With 23 percent of S&P 500 companies having reported results, 67.5 percent have posted earnings above expectations, although many analysts have cut their forecasts in recent weeks, allowing for easier beats. Over the past four quarters, 68 percent of companies beat estimates.
The high-profile earnings disappointments have taken a toll on third-quarter estimates. Third-quarter S&P 500 earnings growth is now expected to come in at 0.9 percent, down from 3.1 percent at the beginning of the month.
The Dow Jones industrial average fell 101.11 points, or 0.79 percent, to 12,721.46 at the close. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index declined 12.14 points, or 0.89 percent, to 1,350.52. The Nasdaq Composite Index shed 35.15 points, or 1.20 percent, to close at 2,890.15.
At its session low, the Dow was down as much as 239 points, or 1.9 percent, at 12,583.41. The S&P 500 fell as low as 1,337.56, down 25.1 points, or 1.8 percent, at is session low. The Nasdaq had touched a session low at 2,852.88, down 72.42 points, or 2.5 percent.
Energy shares slumped as fears of a global slowdown prompted investors to sell oil as U.S. crude fell 3.8 percent. Chevron Corp dropped 1.1 percent to $107.95. The NYSE Arca oil index lost 1.7 percent.
The CBOE Volatility Index jumped 14.4 percent to 18.62 at the close. According to the VIX Open Interest Put-to-Call ratio, VIX options traders are holding only 50 puts for every 100 calls outstanding on the VIX. The last time this ratio hit this level was early August of 2011, just before a huge volatility spike that lasted nearly four months, he said.
The euro slid to a two-year low against the dollar and a near 12-year trough against the yen, pressured by fears that Spain may eventually need a full sovereign bailout.
The yield on the Spanish 10-year bond was last at 7.496 percent, well over what analysts consider a sustainable level.
Peet's Coffee & Tea Inc soared 27.8 percent to $73.05 after striking a deal to be acquired by Joh. A. Benckiser for about $1 billion.
Volume was light, with about 6.13 billion shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq, below last year's daily average of 7.84 billion.
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ANAHEIM, Calif. /California Newswire/ ? Fun in the Son, Running the Race Together: You can be involved by attending the Annual California Released Time State Conference on August 4, 2012 at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. 7:30 a.m. ? 5 p.m. with closing banquet to follow at 5:30 p.m. The event is co-Hosted by Santa Ana and Fullerton Released Time Programs.
Keynote Speaker, Dr. Jack Hayford will be the banquet speaker. Pastor Hayford ministries include Living Way Radio Program, The King's University, and Online Bible Study Courses. He is a celebrated writer of hundreds of hymns and choruses and former pastor of Church on the Way in Van Nuys, Calif.
The conference theme, "Fun in the Son, Running the Race Together" includes 12 workshops and the cost includes special luncheon with speaker, Cheryl Cota.
"Among my earliest recollections of religious instruction is the influence of dedicated Released Time Christian Education instructors. I am still pleased to affirm this timely and effective ministry," said Dr. Jack W. Hayford, Chancellor The King's College and Seminary.
Conference speaker Reverend Barney Kinard, president of Creative Children's Ministries, child evangelist, puppeteer and author, will bring inspiration and great resources to the event.
Register by July 26 and save. For more information contact: Genny Madison at (909) 982-7529 or or Forrest Turpen, or (714) 761-1476.
California Released Time (CaRT) Christian Education. CaRT Office: 1534 Amador Avenue, Ontario, CA 91764. Online: .
Copyright ? 2012 CaliforniaNewswire? and Neotrope?. California Newswire is a publication of the Neotrope News Network and a U.S. reg. TM of Neotrope.
ABOUT THE EDITOR: Valerie Gotten (aka Valerie G) is an abstract painter, former movie stand-in, and volunteers for "green events" to help raise awareness about global warming, and help preserve California's wilderness and natural beauty.Source:
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Ever since I started working in downtown, I?ve started to discover these food trucks. The most recent one that I?ve visited was Vij?s Railway Express. I had high hopes for this place since I visited the official restaurant and the food truck did not?disappoint! It definitely lived up to the Vijs restaurant (See review here: Vij?s )
The food truck isn?t always located at the same place so I would strongly recommend visiting their twitter before you step out to give them a try. When I got there at 12:30? you know its prime time lunch hours and the line up was long! I think I probably waited around 20 minutes in total for paying and picking up (which is quite some time considering 1 hr lunches and walking back to the office). Their menu is quite advanced, using LED screens to show their menu unlike the other food trucks with a billboard style menu.
Food Truck Decor
When we got our order, the owner ( I think ) would say your name and talk to you as well which gave a nice personable feeling to the food truck, removing the ?grab your food and go? atmosphere
Look for a blue food truck near Burrard!
The boyfriend (who also worked near me) and I decided to get their Ginger Lemon Drink and it was quite refreshing for a hot summer afternoon in Vancouver. It was good since the lemon flavor was still there and there is just a hint of ginger flavor in there. I think you can also find a similar drink at their other location: Rangoli (right beside Vij?s). Ever since he?s had the drink, he?s been mentioning it and wanting it again? so its a good sign that its good
Ginger Lemon Drink
Next up, he ordered the Lamb Kabob and I ordered the Coconut Beef with Rice.
Lamb Kabob
We were in a rush to get back to the office so all he had to say was it was exquisite and that he would prefer the kabob to be paired with someone else rather than the pita/tortilla wrap?that?s?around it. He also said there was a lot of meat in there which definitely filled him up even though it looks tiny in the picture!
Coconut Beef with Rice and Naan
For myself, I had the coconut beef with rice and naan. It was very good, and comparable to Vij?s restaurant except more?convenient?and on the go now! The good about this was the coconut beef, it was very flavorful with a lot of Indian Spices in there If you like intensely flavored food then this is it! The only down side I would say is that the rice or the sauce would start to get watery overtime and starts to seep through the container a little bit.
On a side note, the containers and the cutlery they used were all biodegradable and nothing was plastic! (except for the cup and the straw of course )
Vij?s Railway Express Bill
Price! I would say that for a lunch at a food truck, it is slightly pricey since the two of us came to $25. I wouldn?t say I could afford this everyday for lunch but once in a while its a nice treat and its?definitely?worth the price for the quality of food you get
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5 Reasons why being in a relationship is better than dating in a GFC
There are a thousand reasons why mature singles should be living with a partner. Global financial crisis makes it much more obligatory. Some of the important reasons are discussed below:
Living expenses: Lowest living expense of a mature single or senior single person living alone in Australia is about $500 according to the figures given by The World Bank. However with the needs of an individual, this cost could grow or shrink. If you are living with your partner, that means that you are sharing the expenses together, then you will have to bare almost $300 as a single person. Now you are saving $200 a month if you are living with a partner.
Food: Food is the basic necessity of a single person. It is seen that this can also be reduced if a person is not living alone. If you buy a milk pack of 500ml, it will cost you around $4. On the other hand, if you buy a pack of milk of 1 liter, it will cost you around $7. If you are living alone, there is no need to buy a liter?s pack because after first usage, the rest of the milk may have to be wasted. However, when you are living with your partner, you can buy a liter?s pack and save $1 on each milk packs. Similarly, if you plan to buy things in bulk, you will get even more discounts which will lead to even more savings of your money.
Travel expenses: This may not be applied to everyone, but if your partner or you have a car, then you both can share the traveling expenses on gas and other stuff which would be much less than traveling in a cab. This is one of the biggest reasons (if it complies with your condition) to save money in global financial crises.
Security: The sense of security about your job and living is very important these days, and unfortunately it is not guaranteed with global financial crisis. You have absolutely no idea when your boss makes a decision which throws you out of the company due to recession or anything else. The sense of security is provided if you are living with someone who can support you for a couple of months while you are working on finding a suitable job for yourself.
Emotions: Emotions are best managed and flourished when there is someone who can discuss your problems and support you with your hard times. If the world is going through a tough time, you are also going through the same because we all live in the same world. Emotional support is very important in this world, which can either be gained by your friends or life partner.
Dating & Socializing: Dating & socializing to meet and get to know and impress prospective partners can be quite expensive. Having to get to know a number of people and start from square one with each. Things like joining clubs, online dating, singles functions, networking and going out with groups can ad up on average to anywhere from $100-500 per week depending on your social style. Dining, travel, entertainment. One average even a moderate can cost $100.00 for men and also for women with looking good for the date including hair styling, clothing etc. these costs are somewhat tempered when it is only one person that you are seeing. You can also get more creative about the dating or do simple things, which can cut down the cost without sacrificing enjoyment.
The Della Cory -Young At Heart team is highly respected in its field and the years spent meeting and listening to single people have given them a unique understanding of the very real difficulties that educated and successful people face when trying to meet the right person. Della Cory is dedicated to creating successful relationships that last.Source:
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Posted by admin on 2012/07/22
Posted in Travel And Leisure? | Tagged With: passports, travelling | 1 Comment
Question by David B: Two passports when travelling by air?
I am a dual citizen with both Irish and American passports. For practical reasons, when flying from Ireland to England (and vice versa) next week I would like to use my US passport.
I have two questions;
1) Would airport security mind if I carried two legitimate passports(?) ? I am entitled to both.
2) Would I have problems entering my home nation and/or the UK with a US passport(?) ? My reasons for traveling are leisure.
My home nation being the Republic of Ireland.
Best answer:
Answer by celtichawk107
Nope. I do it all the time. Entering the other country, I tend to use my passport for it. Like in your case Ireland, I?d use the Irish one entering and leaving because of the travel tax.
Leaving and entering the US it might be better to use the US one?just so they know you ARE a citizen, but no there?s usually no problem having both.
Give your answer to this question below!
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Saturday, July 21st, 2012 at 3:40 pm ?
If you aware of one of the longest established MLM businesses called Mary Kay, back when that company started there wasn?t any Internet, everything was conducted on a face to face basis.
Distributors would ask people into their houses, hold makeup demonstrations, most likely have 1 or 2 tumblers of wine making the entire process? social and personal affair.
That?s is one of the big reasons why people are failing at network marketing. Even though it may be possible to reach millions of people on the internet, not just a few like in old-fashioned network marketing, new and inexperienced network marketers simply don?t understand the entire concept of good old school marketing.
They have not dealt with people in an one-to-one sales situation ? in 1 or 2 words ? they do not understand the entire concept of effective attraction marketing.
It?s not frightful, it?s actually quite straightforward. If somebody likes you and trusts you they?re going to buy from you. And that is precisely the same way as it was done with Mary Kay, Amway and all those alternative network marketing businesses that have passed the test of time.
The Mary Kay representative driving around in her pink Cadillac is happy with her accomplishments, and you can be assured she did not get that Cadillac by selling her buddies and family 1 or 2 bags of makeup products!
So how does the concept of attraction network marketing work online?
Firstly you need to set out to help people. Prospective customers are surfing the internet for info.
They are looking for that info because they have a need or a problem. People are far too classy these days to buy the first thing they come across.
They research and look for answers to their Problems by visiting social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube, they ask questions on forums and read articles about whatever it is, on well respected article sites.
This is precisely were your ?network marketing internet business? needs to be? you need to be where those future clients are. But this doesn?t mean going on Twitter and posting ?buy my product? every ten minutes.
You have to gain people?s trust by proving that you are an expert, and that you really do wish to help the person? by answering their problem. That is effective online attraction marketing.
If you are new to internet network marketing business, there are lots of? places you can advertise your business. You however need to know where and how to effectively market your business. If you don?t you will most likely end up spending time and money with getting no results.
To avoid this pitfall, you need to have? marketing system in place.? Everyone needs a good marketing system in this business and a robust will to be successful.
Where are you able to get some useful advice about network marketing and getting leads?
Empower Network is a real, well respected and proven to work lead generating system, which? aids you in getting qualified leads, and also teaches you all of the other facets of? running a network marketing internet business.
All the training is provided by MLM industry leaders and top internet marketers. It is updated frequently, and there?s even a way for members to get money flow straight from the beginning, which will cover any costs you sustained initially. Find out here about Empower Network!
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